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Uticaj toplotnog stresa na vrednosti trijasa kod visokomlečnih krava

dc.creatorVujanac, Ivan
dc.creatorKirovski, Danijela
dc.creatorBojkovski, Jovan
dc.creatorProdanović, Radiša
dc.creatorSavić, Božidar
dc.creatorŠamanc, Horea
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this work was to examine the influence of outer temperature on values of the vital signs (temperature, pulse, respiration) in high-yield dairy cows in early stages of lactation, as well as to establish, on the grounds of the degree of correlation between the values for the vital signs and the temperature humidity index (THI), possibilities for using the examined physiological parameters of the organism as an indicator of heat stress. The experiment covered 10 high-yield dairy cows in the first phase of lactation. The investigations were carried out in the course of July and the first half of August. During the course of the experiment, the average THI was determined daily. An average daily THI higher than 70 indicated that the animal had been exposed to heat stress on that day. Vital signs were measured on twelve occasions during the period of investigation (June 30, July 4, July 7, July 10, July 14, July 17, July 21, July 24, July 29, August 5, August 11, and August 14). It was established on the grounds of the THI values that the examined animals were exposed to heat stress on June 30, July 4, July 7, July 14, July 17, July 21, July 29, August 5, and August 14, while there was no heat stress on July 10, July 24, and August 11. The average body temperature during all the periods of examination, with the exception of July 24, was above the upper physiological limit. A high degree of correlation was established between body temperature and the heat index (r = +0. 509; p = 0.05). The number of respiratory movements per minute was above the physiological values during the entire period of investigation. There was a high degree of correlation between the number of respiratory movements and THI (r = + 0.625; p lt 0.05). The average pulse values and number of contractions of the rumen did not vary significantly during the period of investigation. No significant correlation was established between the pulse and THI values, or between motoric activities of the rumen and THI. The results obtained in this work demonstrate that, in high-yield dairy cows exposed to moderate heat stress, the body temperature and the number of respiratory movements are above physiologically permitted values. On these grounds, it can be concluded that these two parameters of the vital signs can be used as physiological indicators of heat stress. .en
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita uticaj spoljašnje temperature na vrednosti trijasa kod visoko mlečnih krava u ranoj fazi laktacije, kao i da se na osnovu stepena korelacije između vrednosti trijasa i dnevnog toplotnog indeksa (THI) utvrdi mogućnost korišćenja ispitanih fizioloških parametara organizma kao pokazatelja toplotnog stresa. U ogled je bilo uključeno 10 visoko mlečnih krava u prvoj fazi laktacije. Ispitivanje je izvedeno tokom jula i prve polovine avgusta. Tokom izvođenja ogleda svakog dana je određivan prosečan THI. Izloženost jedinke toplotnom stresu bila je uslovljena prosečnom dnevnom vrednošću THI većom od 70. Dvanaest puta tokom perioda ispitivanja (30.juna, 4.jula, 7. jula, 10. jula, 14. jula, 17. jula, 21. jula, 24. jula, 29. jula, 5. avgusta, 11. avgusta i 14. avgusta) kravama je određivan trijas. Na osnovu vrednosti THI utvrđeno je da su ispitivane životinje 30. juna, 4. jula, 7. jula, 14. jula, 17. jula, 21. jula, 29. jula, 5. avgusta i 14. avgusta bile izložene delovanju toplotnog stresa, dok 10. jula, 24. jula i 11. avgusta toplotnog stresa nije bilo. Prosečna telesna temperatura je u svim periodima ispitivanja, izuzev 24. jula, bila je iznad gornje fiziološke granice. Utvrđen je visok stepen korelacije između telesne temperature i toplotnog indeksa (r = +0, 509; p = 0,05). Broj respiratornih pokreta u minuti bio je iznad fizioloških vrednosti tokom celog perioda ispitivanja. Između broja respiratornih pokreta i THI postojao je visok stepen korelacije (r = + 0,625; p lt 0,05). Prosečne vrednosti pulsa i broja kontrakcija buraga nisu značajno varirale tokom perioda ispitivanja. Nije utvrđena značajna korelacija između vrednosti pulsa i THI, kao ni između motoričke aktivnosti buraga i THI. Dobijeni rezultati u ovom radu pokazuju da su kod visokomlečnih krava izloženih umerenom toplotnom stresu, telesna temperatura i broj respiratornih pokreta iznad fiziološki dozvoljenih vrednosti. Na osnovu toga može se zaključiti da se ova dva parametra trijasa mogu koristiti kao fiziološki pokazatelji toplotnog stresa. .sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.sourceVeterinarski Glasnik
dc.subjecthigh-yield dairy cowsen
dc.subjectheat stressen
dc.subjectvital signsen
dc.subjectvisokomlečne kravesr
dc.subjecttoplotni stressr
dc.titleEffect of heat stress on vital signs in high-yield dairy cowsen
dc.titleUticaj toplotnog stresa na vrednosti trijasa kod visokomlečnih kravasr
dcterms.abstractБојковски, Јован; Продановић, Радиша; Вујанац, Иван; Шаманц, Хореа; Савић, Божидар; Кировски, Данијела; Утицај топлотног стреса на вредности тријаса код високомлечних крава; Утицај топлотног стреса на вредности тријаса код високомлечних крава;
dc.citation.other64(1-2): 53-63



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