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Hranidbeno ponašanje pasa lutalica u javnom prihvatilištu

dc.creatorVučinić, Marijana
dc.creatorĐorđević, Vesna
dc.creatorRadisavljević, Katarina
dc.creatorAtanasijević, N.
dc.creatorNedeljković-Trailović, Jelena
dc.description.abstractFeeding time of stray dogs on the first, second, third, fifth and seventh day of captivity in a municipal shelter was studied. The average value of the feeding time of dogs decreased from the first day (429.07±107.08 seconds) to the third day in captivity when it reached the lowest average value (229.53±95.18 seconds). The feeding time of dogs on the third day in captivity differs significantly from the same parameter on the first (429.07±107.08 seconds) and second day (372.73±100.58 seconds) in captivity (p lt 0.01). The highest average value of feeding time of stray dogs in the shelter was recorded on the first day. On the fifth and seventh day the feeding time of dogs increased compared to the third day. However, there were no significant differences of the average value of feeding time on the third day comparing with the fifth day (260.8±111.06 seconds) or the seventh day (301.33±119.89 seconds). Dogs ate their food more slowly on the fifth and the seventh day than on the third day, but more quickly than on the first and the second day (372.73±100.58 seconds). Significant differences were estimated comparing the feeding time of dogs on the first day with the third (p lt 0.01), fifth (p lt 0.01), and seventh day (p lt 0.05) of housing in the municipal shelter. Also, the feeding time of dogs on the second day differed significantly from the third (p lt 0.01) and the fifth day (p lt 0.05).en
dc.description.abstractU radu su prikazani rezultati proučavanja brzine unošenja hrane kod pasa lutalica u javnom prihvatilištu u Beogradu prvog, drugog, trećeg, petog i sedmog dana boravka. Prosečna brzina unošenja hrane je opadala počev od prvog dana (429,07±107,08 sekundi) do trećeg dana boravka pasa u zatočeništvu kada je ovaj pokazatelj dostigao najnižu vrednost (229,53±95,18 sec). Brzina unošenja hrane trećeg dana se statistički značajno razlikovala u poređenju sa prvim danom (429,07±107,08 sec) i drugim danom (372,73±100,58 sec) boravka pasa u prihvatilištu (p lt 0,01). Najveća prosečna vrednost brzine unošenja hrane zabeležena je prvog dana boravka u prihvatilištu. Petog i sedmog dana boravka u prihvatilištu brzina unošenja hrane se povećala u poređenju sa trećim danom. Međutim, nisu uočene statistički značajne razlike u poređenju brzine unošenja hrane između trećeg i petog (260,8±111,06 sec) i trećeg I sedmog dana (301,33±119,89 sec). Psi su mnogo sporije unosili hranu petog i sedmog dana nego trećeg dana, ali brže nego prvog i drugog dana boravka u prihvatilištu (372,73±100,58 seconds). Značajne razlike su utvrđene u brzini unošenja hrane između prvog i trećeg (p lt 0,01), petog (p lt 0,01), sedmog dana (p lt 0,05) boravka pasa u prihvatilištu. Takođe, brzina unošenja hrane se značajno razlikovala i drugog dana u poređenju sa trećim (p lt 0,01) i petim danom (p lt 0,05).sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.sourceActa Veterinaria-Beograd
dc.subjectstray dogen
dc.subjectfeeding timeen
dc.titleFeeding behavior of stray dogs in a municipal shelteren
dc.titleHranidbeno ponašanje pasa lutalica u javnom prihvatilištusr
dcterms.abstractНедељковић-Траиловић, Јелена; Aтанасијевић, Н.; Ђорђевић, Весна; Радисављевић, Катарина; Вучинић, Маријана; Хранидбено понашање паса луталица у јавном прихватилишту; Хранидбено понашање паса луталица у јавном прихватилишту;
dc.citation.other61(1): 99-105

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