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Procena kolostralne zaštite teladi

dc.creatorJonić, Branko
dc.creatorDimitrijević, Blagoje
dc.creatorMirilović, Milorad
dc.creatorObrenović, Sonja
dc.creatorBacić, Dragan
dc.description.abstractThe aim of these investigations was to examine the concentration of total proteins and total immunoglobulins in blood serum of calves and on the bases of the obtained results to evaluate the risk of their contracting a disease in the first month of life. Examinations were carried out on 23 calves maintained in farm conditions, whose medical condition was monitored in the first month of life. Blood samples were taken by puncture from the v. jugularis immediately at birth, and at 24 and 48 hours after that, and blood serum was obtained by spontaneous coaggulation. The concentration of total proteins in blood serum was determined using biuretic probe, and the immunoglobulin level using the refractometric method with the zinc-sulphate test (ZST). The average value of total proteins in calves immediately at birth was low and stood at 42±0.3 g/l. The increased concentration of total proteins in calves after the intake of colostrum is a result of the absorption of colostrum immunoglobulins. A high positive correlation was established between the concentration of total proteins and total immunoglobulins at 24 and 48 hours after birth (rxy = 0.92 and rxy = 0.75). Based on the results of monitoring the health condition and the values for total protein concentrations during the examined period (24 and 48 hours after birth) it is possible to make the following risk evaluation regarding diseases in newborn calves: 1) proteinaemia lower than 50 g/l presents a high risk; 2) proteinaemia between 50-54 g/l presents a medium risk: and, 3) proteinaemia between 55-69 g/l presents a low risk for diseases occurring in newborn calves.en
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita koncentracija ukupnih proteina i ukupnih imunoglobulina u krvnom serumu teladi i na osnovu toga izvrši procena rizika oboljenja u prvom mesecu života. Ispitivanje je izvedeno na 23 teleta u farmskim uslovima držanja, čije je zdravstveno stanje praćeno u prvom mesecu života. Uzorci krvi uzimani su punkcijom v. jugularis neposredno po rođenju, 24. i 48. sata, a krvni serum je dobijen spontanom koagulacijom. Koncentracija ukupnih proteina u krvnom serumu određivana je biuretskom probom, a nivo imunoglobulina refraktometrijskom metodom korišćenjem cink-sulfat testa (ZST). Prosečna vrednost ukupnih proteina kod teladi neposredno po rođenju bila je niska i iznosila je 42 ± 0,3 g/l. Povećanje koncentracije ukupnih proteina kod teladi nakon unošenja kolostruma rezultat je apsorpcije kolostralnih imunoglobulina. Visoka pozitivna korelacija utvrđ ena je između koncentracije ukupnih proteina i ukupnih imunoglobulina u periodu 24. i 48. sata po rođenju (rxy=0,92 i rxy = 0,75). Na osnovu rezultata praćenja zdravstvenog stanja i vrednosti koncentracije ukupnih proteina u ispitivanom periodu (24-og i 48-og sata) moguć e je dati sledeću procenu rizika oboljenja novorođene teladi: 1) proteinemija manja od 50 g/l odgovara visokom riziku; 2) proteinemija između 50 i 54 g/l odgovara srednjem riziku i 3) proteinemija između 55 i 69 g/l odgovara malom riziku za pojavu oboljenja novorođene teladi.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31085/RS//
dc.sourceVeterinarski Glasnik
dc.titleEvaluation of colostrum protection of calvesen
dc.titleProcena kolostralne zaštite teladisr
dcterms.abstractЈонић, Бранко; Бацић, Драган; Димитријевић, Благоје; Мириловић, Милорад; Обреновић, Соња; Процена колостралне заштите телади; Процена колостралне заштите телади;
dc.citation.other66(1-2): 13-25



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