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Hemijski sastav potpunih smeša za ishranu svinja analiziranih u periodu 2007-2009. godine

dc.creatorŠefer, Dragan
dc.creatorPetrujkić, Branko
dc.creatorMarković, Radmila
dc.creatorGrdović, Svetlana
dc.creatorRadulović, Stamen
dc.creatorJovanović, Dragoljub
dc.description.abstractIntensive pig breeding implies, among other things, the use of complete mixes in their diet in correspondence with the animals’ age and purpose. In the course of a threeyear period (2007-2009) the accredited laboratory of the Department for Nutrition and Botanics of the Faculty for Veterinary Medicine, Univerisity of Belgrade, analysed 65 fodder mix samples from the territory of Serbia intended for the diet of all categories of pigs, namely: 6 samples of complete mixes for the diet of pregnant sows and gilts, 9 samples of complete mixes for the diet of nursing sows and boar, 4 samples of complete mixes for enhanced diet of piglets, 13 samples of complete mixes for piglets in programme I up to 15 kg, 12 samples of complete mixes for piglets in programme II from 15-25 kg, 10 samples of complete mixes for growing pigs in fattening programme I from 25-60 kg, and 11 samples of complete mixes for pigs in fattening programme II from 60-100 kg. The analyses covered the contents of the elementary nutritive matter and the obtained results were compared with the quality conditions prescribed under the Regulations on the quality of animal feed (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia No. 41/09). It was established that there were certain deviations with regard to the values presented in the Regulations on the quality of animal feed (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia No. 41/09) in the average protein content in complete mixes for piglet diet II, 15-25 kg (17.89±1.19%) and in the mixes for growing pig diet II, 60-100 kg (13.95±0.53%). The established average fat content was lower in the mixes for enhanced piglet diet (5.99± 0.72%) and in mixes for piglet diet I, up to 15 kg (4.95±1.41%). A higher average cellulose content (4.08±0.73%) was established in mixes for enhanced piglet diet. Furthermore, significant differences from the values prescribed under the Regulations were established in certain samples. The established differences in the chemical composition of certain samples of the examined mixes without a doubt indicate the need for constant and multilevel monitoring of raw materials and finished products in order to preserve health and to ensure the best possible utilization of the production potential of animals.en
dc.description.abstractIntenzivan uzgoj svinja između ostalog podrazumeva i upotrebu potpunih smeša u njihovoj ishrani, prilagođenu starosnoj dobi i nameni. Tokom trogodišnjeg perioda (2007 - 2009. god.) u akreditovanoj laboratoriji Katedre za ishranu i botaniku, Fakulteta veterinarske medicine, Univerziteta u Beogradu analizirano je 65 uzoraka smeša sa teritorije Srbije, namenjenih za ishranu svih kategorija svinja i to: 6 uzoraka potpunih smeša za ishranu suprasnih krmača i nazimica, 9 uzoraka potpunih smeša za ishranu krmača dojara i nerasta, 4 uzorka potpune smeše za prihranjivanje prasadi, 13 uzoraka potpunih smeša za prasad do 15 kg, 12 uzoraka potpunih smeša za prasad od 15 do 25 kg, 10 uzoraka potpunih smeša za svinje u porastu i tovu od 25 do 60 kg i 11 uzoraka potpunih smeša za svinje u porastu i tovu od 60 do 100 kg. Analiziran je sadržaj osnovnih hranljivih materija, a dobijeni rezultati upoređeni su sa uslovima kvaliteta propisanim Pravilnikom o kvalitetu hrane za životinje (Službeni glasnik RS br. 4/2010). Utvrđena su odstupanja od vrednosti propisanih Pravilnikom o kvalitetu hrane za životinje (Službeni glasnik RS br. 4/2010), u prosečnom sadržaju proteina u potpunim smešama za ishranu prasadi od 15 do 25 kg (17,89±1,19%) i smeši za ishranu svinja u porastu i tovu od 60 do 100 kg (13,95±0,53%). Utvrđeni prosečni sadržaj masti bio je niži u smešama za prihranjivanje prasadi (5,99±0,72%) i smešama za ishranu prasadi do 15 kg (4,95±1,41%). Veći prosečan sadržaj celuloze (4,08±0,73%) utvrđen je u smešama za prihranjivanje prasadi. Sa druge strane, utvrđena su značajna odstupanja pojedinačnih uzoraka u odnosu na vrednosti koje su propisane Pravilnikom. Utvrđena odstupanja u hemijskom sastavu pojedinačnih uzoraka ispitivanih smeša nesumnjivo ukazuju na potrebu stalnog i višestepenog monitoringa sirovina i gotovih proizvoda, a u cilju očuvanja zdravlja i što optimalnijeg iskorišćenja proizvodnog potencijala životinja.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/46002/RS//
dc.sourceVeterinarski Glasnik
dc.subjectfodder mixesen
dc.subjectchemical compositionen
dc.subjecthemijski sastavsr
dc.titleChemical composition of complete fodder mixes for pig diet during 2007-2009en
dc.titleHemijski sastav potpunih smeša za ishranu svinja analiziranih u periodu 2007-2009. godinesr
dcterms.abstractМарковић, Радмила; Јовановић, Драгољуб; Радуловић, Стамен; Грдовић, Светлана; Петрујкић, Бранко; Шефер, Драган; Хемијски састав потпуних смеша за исхрану свиња анализираних у периоду 2007-2009. године; Хемијски састав потпуних смеша за исхрану свиња анализираних у периоду 2007-2009. године;
dc.citation.other66(3-4): 311-323



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