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Uticaj različitih sorti tritikalea na proizvodne osobine brojlerskih pilića

dc.creatorĐekić, Vera
dc.creatorMitrović, Sreten
dc.creatorObradović, Saša
dc.creatorVukašinović, Marija
dc.creatorŠefer, Dragan
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this paper was to determine how forage triticale in diets for fattening broilers influence the body weight and weight gain of broiler chickens for fattening. The survey was conducted on 400 chickens for fattening provenance Ross 308 for a period of 42 days. On this occasion, four groups of chickens were formed, with 100 chickens being treated in each group, as follows: K (classic mixture for fattening broilers) and O-I (mixtures with triticale variety Kg 20), O-II (mixtures with triticale Favorit) and O-III group (mixtures with triticale Trijumf). The highest average body mass in the groups of chickens (male, female and chicks of both sexes), was scored by broiler chickens of O-II-group. The minimum food consumption for 42-day-old chicks was achieved by group O-I (4.275 kg), and the most by O-II group (4.359 kg). Chickens of O-II- and III-O-group had the best feed conversion, while the chickens of O-I-group had a slightly poorer feed conversion. The mortality of the groups of chickens for the entire period of the study was the lowest in O-II-group, at 2.0%, and the highest mortality was found in O-III-group (6.0%). The production index was the highest in O-II-group (202.726) and the lowest in O-I-group. The results achieved in this research indicate that the use of tested triticale cultivars significantly affected the weight gain and body mass of chicks and have nutritional and economic justification.en
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog rada je bio da se utvrdi kako tritikale u smešama za tov brojlera utiče na telesnu masu i prirast brojlerskih pilića u tovu. Istraživanje je obavljeno na 400 pilića za tov provenijencije Ross 308 za 42 dana. Tom prilikom formirane su četiri grupe pilića, sa po 100 pilića u svakoj grupi hranjene različitim smešama: K (standardna smeša za tov brojlera) i O-I (smeša sa sortom tritikalea Kg 20), O-II (smeša sa sortom tritikalea Favorit) i O-III grupa (smeša sa sortom tritikalea Trijumf). Najveću prosečnu telesnu masu kod ispitivanih grupa pilića (muških, ženskih i pilića oba pola), postigli su brojlerski pilići O-II grupe. Najmanji utrošak hrane 42. dana starosti ostvarili su pilići O-I (4,275 kg), a najveći O-II grupe (4,359 kg). Kod pilića O-II- i O-III grupe konverzija hrane bila je najpovoljnija, dok je kod pilića O-I grupe bila nešto lošija konverzija hrane. Mortalitet ispitivanih grupa pilića za ceo period ispitivanja bio je najmanji kod O-II grupe i iznosio je 2,0%, a najveće uginuće ustanovljeno je kod O-III grupe (6,0%). Proizvodni indeks bio je najveći kod O-II grupe (202,726), a najmanji kod O-I grupe (180,044). Rezultati dobijeni u ovom istraživanju, ukazuju na to da upotreba ispitivanih sorti tritikalea značajno utiče na prirast i telesnu masu pilića i ima nutritivno i ekonomsko opravdanje.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31033/RS//
dc.sourceVeterinarski Glasnik
dc.subjectweight gainen
dc.subjectfeeding chickensen
dc.subjecttov brojlerskih pilićasr
dc.titleEffect of different varieties of triticale on product characteristics in broiler chickensen
dc.titleUticaj različitih sorti tritikalea na proizvodne osobine brojlerskih pilićasr
dcterms.abstractВукашиновић, Марија; Митровић, Сретен; Обрадовић, Саша; Шефер, Драган; Ђекић, Вера; Утицај различитих сорти тритикалеа на производне особине бројлерских пилића; Утицај различитих сорти тритикалеа на производне особине бројлерских пилића;
dc.citation.other66(5-6): 345-353



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