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Biohemijske karakteristike roda Aeromonas izolovanih iz kalifornijske pastrmke (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

dc.creatorĐorđević, Vesna
dc.creatorBaltić, Milan Ž.
dc.creatorKarabasil, Nedjeljko
dc.creatorĆirković, Miroslav
dc.creatorJanković, Vesna
dc.creatorMitrović, Radmila
dc.creatorĐurić, Jelena
dc.description.abstractAeromonas spp. are regularly present in water, and in some cases, they cause diseases in fish and amphibians. Humans are infected by ingestion of the bacteria through contaminated food or water. Objective of this paper was to examine the presence of Aeromonas species in trout samples and to investigate the biochemical characteristics of isolated strains. In microbiological analysis of 120 trout samples, 12 bacteria strains of Aeromonas genus were isolated, of which seven (58.3%) belonged to strains of A. hydrophila group 1, and five (41.6%) to strains of A. hydrophila group 2. By biochemical characterization of isolated strains it was established that they were oxidase positive, catalase positive, arginine positive, ornitin positive, H2S negative, urease negative, tryptophan desaminase negative, gelatine negative, fermenting mannitol, inositol, rhamnose and saccharose, the are mobile, hemolytic and hydrolyze starch. In regard to other biochemical characteristics, it was established that 11 (91.7%) of 12 studied strains of A.hydrophila had β-galactosidase, they were citrate and indole positive, sorbitole negative, arabinose positive, produce NO2 and reduce it to N2. Also 10 (83.3%) of 12 studied strains were Voges-Proskauer positive and melibiosis negative, whereas eight (66.7%) of 12 studied strains had lysine-decarboxylase positive reaction and were amygdalin positive. In 58.3 % of strains (seven of 12 strains) were established to ferment glucose.en
dc.description.abstractAeromonas spp. redovno su prisutni u vodi, i u izvesnim slučajevima, uzrokuju oboljenje riba i vodozemaca. Čovek se infi cira ingestijom ovih bakterija putem kontaminirane hrane ili vode. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispita prisustvo Aeromonas vrsta u uzorcima pastrmke i ispitaju biohemijske karakteristike izolovanih sojeva. Mikrobiološkom analizom 120 uzoraka pastrmke, izolovano je 12 sojeva bakterija iz roda Aeromonas, od kojih je sedam (58,3%) pripadalo sojevima A. hydrophila grupa 1, a pet (41,6%) je pripadalo sojevima A. hydrophila grupa 2. Biohemijskom karakterizacijom izolovanih sojeva utvrđeno je da su oksidaza pozitivni, katalaza pozitivni, arginin pozitivni, ornitin pozitivni, H2S negativni, ureaza negativni, triptofan dezaminaza negativni, želatin negativni, fermentuju manitol, inositol, rhamnosu i saharozu, pokretni su, hemolitični i hidrolizuju skrob. Od ostalih biohemijskih karatkeristika utvrđeno je da 11 (91,7%) od 12 ispitanih sojeva A. hydrophila poseduje β-galaktosidazu, zatim citrat i indol su pozitivni, sorbitol negativni, arabinoza pozitivni, produkuju NO2 i vrši njegovu redukciju do N2, zatim da je 10 (83,3%) od 12 ispitanih sojeva Voges-Proskauer pozitivno i negativno na melibiozu, dok je osam (66,7%) od 12 sojeva dalo lizin-dekarboksilaza pozitivnu reakciju i bilo je amigdalin pozitivno. Kod 58,3% sojeva (sedam od 12 sojeva) utvrđeno je da fermentuju glukozu.sr
dc.publisherInstitut za higijenu i tehnologiju mesa, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31011/RS//
dc.sourceTehnologija mesa
dc.subjectAeromonas spp.en
dc.subjectrainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)en
dc.subjectbiochemical characterizationen
dc.subjectAeromonas spp.sr
dc.subjectkalifornijska pastrmka (Oncorhynchus mykiss)sr
dc.subjectbiohemijska karakterizacijasr
dc.titleBiochemical characteristics of Aeromonas genus isolated in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)en
dc.titleBiohemijske karakteristike roda Aeromonas izolovanih iz kalifornijske pastrmke (Oncorhynchus mykiss)sr
dcterms.abstractЋирковић, Мирослав; Митровић, Радмила; Ђурић, Јелена; Јанковић, Весна; Ђорђевић, Весна; Балтић, Милан Ж.; Карабасил, Неђељко;
dc.citation.other53(1): 20-25



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