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Prikaz slučaja insuficijencije desnog srca kod krave prouzrokovanog traumatskim perikarditisom

dc.creatorVujanac, Ivan
dc.creatorProdanović, Radiša
dc.creatorDžmura, Goran
dc.creatorĐurić, Miloje
dc.creatorMarinković, Darko
dc.creatorKirovski, Danijela
dc.description.abstractIn this paper there is presented right heart failure in 10 years' old cow. During last year it had changeable apetite, profuse diarrhea as well as fluctuations in milk production. In the mentoned period it did not conceive. By examination of peripheral blood vessels, there were determined some changes in pulse quality (p.rarus et parvus) and charge of neck veins (venous stasis). Under the skin in sternum region there was noticeable swelling of pastose condensation. Visible mucosas were pail. Heart sounds were barely audible, and at puncta optima aorte and a.pulmonalis could not be heard at all. On the right side of the chest, first and second heart tones audability was better, compared to those of the opposite side. By examining of the reticulum by testing on foreign body presence, the animal did not react painfully. On the basis of these data, there was diagnosed: Insufficientio cordis et pericarditis traumatica in obs. By laboratory analysis of blood samples, trere was determined hypochromic and microcytic anemia, mild leukocytosis with neutrophilia, as well as hyperproteinemia characterized by hypoalbuminemia and hyperglobulinemia. These findings pointed out to iron deficiency, inflammatory process and reduced syntetic ability of liver. For economic reasons, the animal was sent to the slaughter. By pathomorphological examination there were determined connective tissue adhesions among reticulum, diaphragm, pericardium and the base of the heart. The foreign body was located in the base of the heart where a large abscess was formed. Pericardium was thickened, and on its inner side there were grained sediments of fibrin and purulent content. Right ventricle of the heart was expanded and the wall was thinned. By histopathological examination of the heart, there was found out thickened pericardium with fibrin sediments, and the wall of the abscess located on the base of the heart was formed of connective tissue largely infiltrated by neutrophyl granulocytes. On the basis of the findings, there was diagnosed Pericarditis purulenta chronica.en
dc.description.abstractU radu prikazan je slučaj insuficijencije desnog srca kod krave starosti 10 godina. U poslednjoj godini imala je promenljiv apetit, profuznu dijareju i oscilacije u proizvodnji mleka. U tom periodu nije koncipirala. Pregledom perifernih krvnih sudova ustanovljene su promene u kvalitetu pulsa (p. rarus et parvus) i punjenosti vratnih vena (venska staza). Ispod kože u predelu grudne kosti je bio izražen otok testaste konzistencije. Vidljive sluznice su bile blede. Srčani tonovi su bili slabo čujni, a na puncta optima aorte i a. pulmonalis nisu mogli uopšte da se čuju. Sa desne strane grudnog koša čujnost prvog i drugog srčanog tona je bila bolja u odnosu na nalaz sa suprotne strane. Pregledom retikuluma probama na strano telo životinja nije bolno reagovala. Na osnovu ovih podataka postavljena je klinička dijagnoza: Insufficientio cordis et pericarditis traumatica in obs. Laboratorijskom analizom uzorka krvi ustanovljena je hipohromna i mikrocitna anemija, blaga leukocitoza sa neutrofilijom i hiperproteinemija koju karakteriše hipoalbuminemija i hiperglobulinemija. Ovi nalazi ukazivali su na nedostatak gvožđa na proces zapaljenske prirode i smanjenu sintetsku sposobnost jetre. Iz ekonomskih razloga životinja je upućena na prinudno klanje. Patomorfološkim pregledom ustanovljene su vezivno-tkivne priraslice između retikuluma, dijafragme, perikarda i baze srca. Strano telo je bilo locirano u bazi srca gde se formirao veći apces. Perikard je bio zadebljan, a na njegovoj unutrašnjoj strani nalazile su se zrnaste naslage fibrina i gnojni sadržaj. Desna komora srca bila je proširena, a njen zid stanjen. Histopatološkim pregledom srca nađen je zadebljao perikard sa naslagama fibrina, zid apcesa, koji je bio lokalizovan na bazi srca, bio je građen od vezivnog tkiva obimno infiltrovanog neutrofilnim granulocitima. Na osnovu nalaza postavljena je definitivna dijagnoza: Pericarditis purulenta
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/46002/RS//
dc.sourceVeterinarski Glasnik
dc.subjecttraumatic pericarditisen
dc.subjecttraumatski perikarditissr
dc.titleRight heart failure in dairy cow caused by traumatic pericaridtis: Case reporten
dc.titlePrikaz slučaja insuficijencije desnog srca kod krave prouzrokovanog traumatskim perikarditisomsr
dcterms.abstractКировски, Данијела; Продановић, Радиша; Маринковић, Дарко; Вујанац, Иван; Ђурић, Милоје; Джмура, Горан; Приказ случаја инсуфицијенције десног срца код краве проузрокованог трауматским перикардитисом; Приказ случаја инсуфицијенције десног срца код краве проузрокованог трауматским перикардитисом;
dc.citation.other67(3-4): 287-295

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