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Uticaj eugenola na hematološke parametre kod pacova

dc.creatorJezdimirović, Milanka
dc.creatorAleksić, Nevenka
dc.creatorMilovanović, Mirjana
dc.creatorStojanović, Dragica
dc.creatorJezdimirović, Nemanja
dc.creatorĐurđević, Dragan
dc.creatorKureljušić, Jasna
dc.description.abstractInvestigations covered the possible hematotoxic effect of eugenol in rats following two-week and four-week continuous p.o. application. An experiment was conducted on 72 maleWistar rats divided into six groups. Four groups were treated with different doses of eugenol (10 mg/kg bm/day, 50 mg/kg/day, 200 mg/kg/day and 400 mg/kg bm/day), the control group was administered a vehiculum (0,5 % methylcellulose, 20 % propylene glycol and water), and the sixth group was the absolute untreated control. Eugenol and the vehiculum were administered using a gastric probe in a volume of 1 ml/100 g body mass of rat. Blood was sampled using cardiac puncture on days 14 and 28 of the experiment in order to determine hematological parameters (hematocrit, number of erythrocytes, MCV, haemoglobin concentration, MCH, number of leukocytes, leukocyte formula, and number of thrombocytes). The results have shown that eugenol administered over 14 and 28 days in doses of 10, 50, 200 and 400 mg/kg bm/day has no hemolytic activity. Furthermore, administered over four weeks, it does not significantly affect the number of erythrocytes, haemoglobin concentration, hematocrit, erythrocyte volume, number of leukocytes, and the leukocyte formula. Applied over two weeks, eugenol causes a significant increase in the mass of haemoglobin per erythrocyte, in comparison with controls. This effect is non-specific and does not depend on the dose or on the duration of treatment. The eugenol doses of 10 and 200 mg/kg/day administered over a period of four weeks result in a statistically significant reduction in the number of thrombocytes in comparison with the absolute control, while the highest investigated dose (400 mg/kg) causes a significant increase in comparison with the numbers for rats treated with a dose of 10 and 200 mg/kg/day. The changes in thrombocyte number caused by eugenol are qualitatively different and depend neither on the dose nor on the duration of treatment. Eugenol applied over two or four weeks does not exhibit a significant influence on the number of lymphocytes, monocytes or granulocytes.en
dc.description.abstractIspitivan je mogući hematotoksični efekat eugenola kod pacova posle dvonedeljne i četvoronedeljne kontinuirane p.o. primene. Ogled je izveden na 72 mužjaka pacova soja vistar podeljenih u šest grupa. Četiri grupe tretirane su različitim dozama eugenola (10 mg/kg tm/dan, 50 mg/kg/dan, 200 mg/kg/dan i 400 mg/kg tm/dan), peta kontrolna grupa dobijala je vehikulum (0,5 % metil-celuloza, 20 % propilen-glikol i voda), a šesta je bila netretirana, apsolutno kontrolna. Eugenol i vehikulum aplikovani su gastričnom sondom u volumenu od 1 ml/100 g telesne mase pacova. Krv je uzorkovana kardijalnom punkcijom 14. i 28. dana ogleda u cilju određivanja hematoloških parametara (hematokrit, broj eritrocita, prosečna vrednost zapremine eritrocita (MCV), koncentracija hemoglobina, prosečna vrednost koncentracije hemoglobina (MCH), broj leukocita, leukocitna formula i broj trombocita). Rezultati su pokazali da eugenol primenjivan 14 i 28 dana u dozama od 10, 50, 200 i 400 mg/kg tm/dan nema hemolitičku aktivnost. Takođe, primenjivan tokom četiri nedelje ne utiče značajno na broj eritrocita, koncentraciju hemoglobina, hematokrit, zapreminu eritrocita, broj leukocita i leukocitnu formulu. Eugenol primenjivan tokom dve nedelje prouzrokuje značajno povećanje mase hemoglobina po eritrocitu u odnosu na kontrolu. Ovaj efekat je nespecifičan i ne zavisi od doze, ni od dužine tretmana. Doze eugenola od 10 i 200 mg/kg/dan primenjivane tokom četiri nedelje prouzrokuju statistički značajno smanjenje broja trombocita u odnosu na apsolutno kontrolnu grupu, dok najviša ispitivana doza (400 mg/kg) izaziva značajno povećanje broja trombocita u poređenju sa dozama od 10 i 200 mg/kg/dan. Promene broja trombocita izazvane eugenolom kvalitativno su različite i ne zavise niti od doze niti od dužine tretmana. Eugenol primenjivan tokom dve i četiri nedelje ne ispoljava značajan uticaj na broj limfocita, monocita i
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/46009/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/46002/RS//
dc.sourceVeterinarski Glasnik
dc.titleEffect of eugenol on hematological parameters in ratsen
dc.titleUticaj eugenola na hematološke parametre kod pacovasr
dcterms.abstractМиловановић, Мирјана; Јездимировић, Миланка; Стојановић, Драгица; Ђурђевић, Драган; Јездимировић, Немања; Aлексић, Невенка; Курељушић, Јасна; Утицај еугенола на хематолошке параметре код пацова; Утицај еугенола на хематолошке параметре код пацова;
dc.citation.other67(1-2): 29-42



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