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Uporedno ispitivanje efikasnosti tulatromicina i florfenikola u lečenju bronhopneumonije junadi

dc.creatorJezdimirović, Milanka
dc.creatorAleksić, Nevenka
dc.creatorBarać-Bašević, Ana
dc.creatorŽutić, Milenko
dc.creatorIvetić, Vojin
dc.creatorRadanović, Oliver
dc.creatorJezdimirović, Nemanja
dc.description.abstractThe clinical efficacy of tulathromycin (TU) and florfenicol (FL) in the treatment of bronchopneumonia (BP) caused by Pasteurella multocida which was isolated from nose swabs of diseased calves has been examined. The symptoms of bronchopneumonia (BP) were quantified by means of the clinical score (CS) with a maximum of 47 points. In the current investigation the average CS in diseased calves was 23.5± 0.15. The clinical efficacy of TU and FL was assessed every day in the first week after the administration of the drugs and was based on the decrease in CS and on microbiological findings on days 7, 28 and 35 after the completion of therapy. Tulathromycin was administered s.c., in the prescribed therapeutic dose (2.5 mg/kg BW), and florfenicol s.c., twice at a 48 h interval, in its respective therapeutic dose (40 mg/kg BW). In spite of the repeated administration of FL, TU was significantly more rapid to decrease the major clinical symptoms in the first four days following the application, in comparison with FL (P lt 0.05). On the fourth day after the administration, the clinical efficacy of TU in the therapy of BP in calves was 43.4±1.5 %, and of florfenicol 27.2±1.6 %. However, five days after the application of TU and two days after the repeated application of FL the assessed clinical efficacy of the two antibiotics was roughly the same. The average efficacy of TU was 57.1±0.0%, and of florfenicol 58.5±0.0%, both the individual and mean CS in the treated calves was 10 points, due to hyperthermia, which remained the only symptom. Six days after the administration of TU and three days after the repeated application of FL both antibiotics had equal maximum efficacy (100%) in the treatment of BP. The clinical efficacy remained unchanged on day seven. The recovery was confirmed by the absence of P. multocida in nose swabs sampled on the seventh day after the initial treatment. However, in 4 calves (21.05 %) of the 19 treated Streptococcus alpha haemolyticus was isolated. Four weeks after the completion of the treatment with TU and FL the recurrence of BP caused by P. multocida was noted in 30% of calves treated with TU and 22.22% with FL. Seven days after a single administration of TU and FL, all clinical symptoms of recurrent BP and the microbiological findings were negative. Given the obtained results of the investigation on the efficacy of TU and FL in calves, TU can be recommended as the drug of first choice in the treatment of BP caused by P. multocida. Its insufficient clinical efficacy in the first three days following the application may be enhanced by simultaneous administration of NSAID and bronchodilators.en
dc.description.abstractIspitivana je klinička efikasnost tulatromicina (TU) i florfenikola (FL) u lečenju bronhopneumonije (BP) prouzrokovane vrstom Pasteurella multocida, izolovanom iz briseva nosa junadi. Simptomi BP su kvantifikovani da bi se dobio klinički skor (KS) koji definiše težinu kliničke slike kod životinja. Prema korišćenoj skali maksimalna vrednost KS parametara BP iznosi 47 bodova. U našem ogledu, vrednost prosečnog KS kod obolele junadi iznosila je 23,5±0,15. Klinička efikasnost TU i FL procenjivana je svakodnevno, tokom sedam dana, na osnovu povlačenja kliničkih simptoma (smanjivanje vrednosti KS) i prisustva prouzrokovača BP u brisevima nosa 7, 28. i 35. dana od ukidanja terapije. Tulatromicin je aplikovan s.c., jednokratno u terapijskoj dozi od 2,5 mg/kg, a florfenikol s.c., dvokratno u razmaku od 48 h u terapijskoj dozi od 40 mg/kg tm. U ovom ispitivanju TU je u prva četri dana od aplikacije značajno brže od FL (P lt 0,05) dovodio do povlačenja bitnih kliničkih simptoma, iako je aplikacija FL u tom periodu ponovljena. Klinička efikasnost TU u lečenju BP junadi četvrtog dana od primene iznosila je 43,4±1,5 %, a florfenikola 27,2±1,6 %. Međutim, petog dana od aplikacije TU i FL i drugog dana od druge aplikacije FL ustanovljena je približno ista klinička efikasnost ovih antimikrobnih lekova u lečenju BP. Prosečna efikasnost TU bila je 57,1±0,0%, a FL 58,5± 0,0%. Vrednost individualnog i prosečnog KS kod junadi lečene TU i FL iznosila je 10 bodova. Od kliničkih simptoma jedino se hipertermija nije povukla. Šestog dana od aplikacije TU i FL i trećeg dana od druge aplikacije FL oba antibiotika imala su podjednaku, maksimalnu (100%) kliničku efikasnost u lečenju BP. Ista klinička efikasnost zabeležena je i sedmog dana ogleda. Izlečenje je potvrđeno odsustvom P. multocida u brisevima uzetim sedmog dana od početka lečenja. Međutim, kod 4 juneta (21,05 %) od ukupno 19 izolovan je Streptococcus alpha haemolyticus. Četiri nedelje od obustavljanja primene TU i FL uočen je recidiv BP prouzrokovane P. multocida kod 30% junadi lečene TU i 22,22% lečene FL. Posle jednokratne primene TU i FL, sedmog dana su se povukli svi klinički simptomi recidivirajuće BP, a mikrobiološki nalaz bio je negativan. Sumirajući rezultate dobijene uporednim ispitivanjem efikasnosti TU i FL u lečenju BP junadi prouzrokovane P. multocida predlažemo da se TU koristi kao lek prvog izbora u lečenju ove respiratorne infekcije. Njegova efikasnost, nedovoljna u prva tri dana od aplikacije, može da se poveća istovremenom primenom lekova iz grupe NSAIL i bronhodilatatora.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.sourceVeterinarski Glasnik
dc.subjectPasteurella multocidaen
dc.subjectPasteurella multocidasr
dc.titleComparative investigation on the efficacy of tulathromycin and florfenicol in the treatment of bronchopneumonia in feedlot calvesen
dc.titleUporedno ispitivanje efikasnosti tulatromicina i florfenikola u lečenju bronhopneumonije junadisr
dcterms.abstractБараћ-Башевић, Aна; Јездимировић, Немања; Радановић, Оливер; Иветић, Војин; Јездимировић, Миланка; Aлексић, Невенка; Жутић, Миленко; Упоредно испитивање ефикасности тулатромицина и флорфеникола у лечењу бронхопнеумоније јунади; Упоредно испитивање ефикасности тулатромицина и флорфеникола у лечењу бронхопнеумоније јунади;
dc.citation.other65(3-4): 153-178



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