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Procena energetskog statusa krava na osnovu koncentracije masti, proteina i uree u mleku

dc.creatorKirovski, Danijela
dc.creatorŠamanc, Horea
dc.creatorProdanović, Radiša
dc.description.abstractOne of the ways to make an assessment of the energy status of cows in lactation is to consider the results obtained from the evaluation of the concentrations of organic milk components. The advantages of this method are that the taking of milk samples is not stressful for the cow and that it is also possible to use the results of milk examinations carried out by dairy plants within regular control. A bulk milk sample from all individual cows can be used, or an individual milk sample. In farms that have herds of unequal genetic potential, it is preferable to assess the energy status by analyzing the results for individual samples, because each animals is assessed individually in that way. Furthermore, the use of individual milk samples is recommended at newly-established farms in order to facilitate the establishment of reference values for the herd. The energy status of cows is assessed using the milk samples by analyzing fat, protein and urea concentrations and their mutual ratios. Fat and protein concentrations in cow milk vary depending on the breed, the diet, age, stage of lactation, and the season of the year. A fat content lower than the physiological values can be expected in cases of unfavourable diet of the cows during the period around calving or rumen acidosis, and it can be expected to be higher during ketotic conditions. A higher protein content in milk can be expected during a high-protein, and a lower one during a low-protein diet of the cows. The physiological concentration of urea in milk depends on nutritive factors, the season, age, stage of lactation, and body mass. Specifically, older cows, cows in advanced lactation, and cows in the summer period tend to have higher values for urea concentration in milk. Among nutritive factors, the most important is the ratio between energy and proteins in the cow feed ration. In cases when protein content in milk is optimal or above the recommended values but the energy supply is lower, the urea concentration increases to over the range of physiological values. In the event that the feed ration is deficient in both proteins and energy the urea content in milk drops. This work also presents a model for assessing the energy status in cows by analyzing the mutual ratios between the individual milk components (proteins and fat, or urea and proteins) in the individual milk samples. It is possible to determine the energy status of the animal on the basis of the ratio between proteins and fat, and the supply of the cow with proteins and energy on the basis of the ratio between urea and proteins.en
dc.description.abstractJedan od načina procene energetskog satusa krava u laktaciji je na osnovu rezultata dobijenih određivanjem koncentracije organskih sastojaka mleka. Prednosti ove metode su u tome što je uzimanje uzorka mleka nestresogeno za kravu i što se mogu koristiti rezultati ispitivanja mleka koje u okviru redovne kontrole vrše mlekare. Za ova ispitivanje se može koristiti zbirni uzorak mleka od svih ili pojedinih krava ili pojedinačni uzorak mleka. Na farmama na kojima postoji neujednačenost genetskog potencijala stada, prednost ima procena energetskog statusa analizom rezultata iz pojedinačnih uzoraka jer se na taj način individualno procenjuje svaka životinja. Dodatna upotreba pojedinačnih uzoraka mleka se preporučuje na novoformiranim farmama radi uspostavljanja referentnih vrednosti za stada. Za procenu energetskog statusa krava u uzorcima mleka koriste se koncentracija masti, proteina i uree, kao i njhov međusobni odnos. Koncentracije masti i proteina u mleku krava variraju zavisno od rase, ishrane, starosti, faze laktacije i godišenjeg doba. Sadržaj masti u mleku niži od fizioloških vrednosti očekuje se u slučajevima nepovoljne ishrane krava u periodu oko telenja ili acidoze buraga, a viši kod ketoznog stanja. Viši sadržaj proteina u mleku očekuje se kod visokoproteinske, a niži kod niskoproteinske ishrane. Fiziološka koncentracija uree u mleku krava zavisi od nutritivnih faktora, sezone, starosti krava, stadijuma laktacije i telesne mase. Tako, starije krave, krave u odmakloj laktaciji i krave u letnjem periodu, imaju tendeciju ka povećanim vrednostima koncentracije uree u mleku. Od nutritivnih faktora najznačajniji je odnos energije i belančevina u obroku krava. Ukoliko je sadržaj proteina u mleku optimalan ili iznad preporučenih vrednosti, ali snabdevenost energijom niža, koncentracija uree raste iznad opsega fizioloških vrednosti. Ako je obrok deficitaran i u proteinima i energiji sadržaj uree u mleku opada. Dodatno, u ovom radu je prikazan model za procenu energetskog statusa krava analizom međusobnog odnosa pojedinih sastojaka mleka (proteina i masti odnosno uree i proteina) u pojedinačnim uzorcima mleka. Na osnovu odnosa proteina i masti u pojedinačnim uzorcima mleka moguće je odrediti energetski status jedinke a na osnovu odnosa uree i proteina snabdevenost krava proteinima i
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Fakultet veterinarske medicine, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/46002/RS//
dc.sourceVeterinarski Glasnik
dc.subjectenergy statusen
dc.subjectmilk componentsen
dc.subjectenergetski statussr
dc.subjectsastojci mlekasr
dc.titleAssessment of dairy cow energy status using milk fat, protein and urea concentrationsen
dc.titleProcena energetskog statusa krava na osnovu koncentracije masti, proteina i uree u mlekusr
dcterms.abstractКировски, Данијела; Продановић, Радиша; Шаманц, Хореа; Процена енергетског статуса крава на основу концентрације масти, протеина и урее у млеку; Процена енергетског статуса крава на основу концентрације масти, протеина и урее у млеку;
dc.citation.other66(1-2): 97-110

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